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Body cream with powerful slimming active ingredients that contribute to decreasing accumulated lipids in the adipose tissue, reducing the body volume of very localised areas (belly, abdomen, waist, thighs and hips) with a cosmetic effect. Its high concentration of active ingredients helps to activate the metabolism, smoothing the appearance of the skin and aiding fluid retention.
FREQUENCY OF USE ”HOME CARE ROUTINE” Daily use, morning and night.
1. Activation of abdominal tissue.
Distribute the product with both hands in a clockwise direction.
2. Mobilisation of abdominal tissue.
Circular kneading motions from the outside of the waist to the navel.
3. Enhancement of the waist.
Rotatory kneading motions in the lower back área.
4. Mobilisation of gluteal tissue.
Ascending circular kneading motions from the base of the gluteus to the lumbar área.
5. Mobilisation of thigh tissue. Ascending circular kneading motions from the base of the knee to the iniguinal area.
6. Mobilisation of hip tissue.
Ascending circular kneading motions on the hips area.
Active reducer and anti-cellulitis infredient that stimulates the burning (thermogenesis) of fat accumulated in adipose tissue, reducing the silhouette by centimetres while smoothening the skin.
• After a test base don 56 days of use, twice a day, by 20 women and 10 men, with 3% of the active ingredient, the results showed a visible efficiency at reducing the abdominal perimeter of
-2.9 cm. on average in women
-2.6 cm.On average in men
A slimmer and smoother silhouette by the reduction of adipose tissue apperance.
Its use is not recommended during pregnancy nor lactation period.
- Lipolytic
- Regenerating
- Firming
- Improves water retention between tissues
- Encourage blood circulation
CAFFEINE: accelerates the general metabolism. It decreases the lipid accumulation in adipocytes and enhances the regeneration of connective tissue.
L-CARNITINE: aids fat burning process, converting fatty acids into energy and promoting the reduction of localized adiposites.
FUCUS: mobilizes the liquid retained in localized areas, stimulating the circulation and promoting a detoxeffect. It is also improves the elasticity of the skin due to the incentive action on the fibroblasts cells.
IVY EXTRACT: activates circulation, important property to work on the release of adipocytes.